Love Addiction and Relationship Coaching

Love Addiction | Relationships | Recovery | Love Avoidance

If you want to recover from love addiction, heal from love withdrawal caused by a breakup, stop obsessing over an ex and heal from a toxic relationship, or just need quality relationship advice...


The Love Addiction and Relationship Coach - Can Help You!


Begin Your Breakthrough Today
* from anywhere you live (phone/online)   


Clarity, Insight, Wisdom-- to help you disentangle love addiction and codependency patterns causing heartache.


with Jim Hall MS

Relationships | Recovery | Love Addiction | Love Avoidance

•    Love Addiction and Relationship Specialist
•    Counselor/Coach, Author of 3 books, Speaker
•    MS, Masters Degree in Psychology and Therapy
•    Recovery Success over love addiction, codependency



My results-focused approach to providing relationship advice and helping love addicts recover is likely why most people who’ve worked with me over the  years often say:

Jim knows what he’s talking about, not only because of his skills and knowledge as a trained therapist - but he's been through the thick and thin of love addiction, has come out on the other side with tons of wisdom that's hard to come by with any other coach, counselor, or therapist.”



How Love Addiction Coaching Works:


I work with love addicts and love avoidant clients. Love Addiction Coaching with Jim provides you with a compassionate, effective, and pro-active supportive alliance to help you with the issues relating to love, relationships, and obsessive/painful patterns of addictive loving.


I help you discover essential growth-forwarding methods to help break your love addiction. You receive clear and safe guidance that will comfort and motivate you to stop the pain and seek to establish wholesome love relationships.


I don't just talk (or write) - I listen to you, I relate to you, and teach you practical steps to help empower and strengthen you to move you forward to where you want to be.


Continue reading below for further details of how Love Addiction Coaching works!

I help you discover essential growth-forwarding methods to help break your love addiction. You receive clear and safe guidance that will comfort and motivate you to stop the pain and seek to establish wholesome love relationships.

I don't just talk (or write) - I listen to you, I relate to you, and teach you practical steps to help empower and strengthen you to move you forward to where you want to be.

Some of what you will receive in the coaching process with Jim:

In our session/'s together, I teach YOU - what took me many, many years to discover... Crucial insight unique to your situation to help dissipate the pain, obsession, and lying inner-critic causing distress! 

I provide you vital tools, motivation, and inspiration to help make love addiction the catalyst to change the way you love in relationships, plus teach you how to internally & authentically love, honor, and value yourself- to instill in you, "I am enough."...

Moreover, in our session/'s together, I teach and guide YOU - on methods I personally acquired in my recovery that could lead you on a path towards healing, recovery, and personal empowerment, along with learning skills to help you create healthy, happy relationships- that you deserve.


I just wanted to share that talking to someone like you who genuinely comprehends this problem, along with the great resources and worksheets you provide with sessions, has given me hope and has been everything I was seeking since talk therapy itself (w/multiple counselors I’ve had) hasn’t been effective enough.
Christian (United Kingdom)


Ever Wonder What a Person Learns in a Well-Regarded Treatment Center Specializing in Love Addiction?

 Much of what you will learn in your coaching sessions with Jim Hall. How would Jim Know?

Some years back, Jim was facing excruciating heartache from his love addiction, similar to what you may be dealing with right now. Although he tried local therapists, there truly was no real expert he could turn to for the help he needed.

As a result, he had to scrape a wad of money together and flew to a love addiction rehab center (35 days) after his very last addictive relationship ended- a time when he was at a very hard "bottom."  Click here to see his bio-about page. 

So, when you work with Jim, he will teach you all the wisdom he attained and similar insights, tools, and healing strategies he discovered—including additional recovery tools that had a profound influence on his healing and becoming secure.

Jim believes that if all he learned and experienced helped make his recovery a remarkable success, it could also do the same for others like you.


Uniquely Qualified as a love addiction and relationship coach: 

 Jim has created a love addiction recovery program that combines all he's learned from his recovery experience- together with all his professional experience, training, and knowledge in the psychology field  -- FOR YOU.


Testimonials from people who have worked with Jim 


Hi Jim, I wanted to reach out and sincerely thank you for being so crucial in helping me transform my life. I'm so grateful to have discovered you and your methods. They work. I draw on what I learned from our coaching sessions together more than you would believe. You left me with countless strategies, lessons, and skills that have become so vital for me. I don't even want to consider where I would be right now had I not found you to help me overcome my love addiction. It (you) truly changed my life. I'm so proud to be one of your success stories. With all the gratitude in the world, thank you!
Michael K. (Ohio)


Hello Jim, Before finding you on the internet, I’vI'verked with therapists, life coaches, and helping professionals with various attempts to stop my love addiction, yet I must tell you, Jim, that the caring, encouraging, and non-judgmental help you gave me has been, ‘ba' none’, 'he most potent, effective, helpful, actually superb! I could not feel this good and have so much hope and be where I am today without your help, support, and expertise.
Thank you so much, Jim.
Janice (Utah)


From near-total despair to excitement, full of hope and life!
Four months ago, I was in a state of near-total despair, after my avoidant partner had upped and left without warning. I couldn't see how to get on without him and could hardly function at all, even at work. I felt completely alone. However, the coaching you provided helped me put my life back together and assess my unhealthy patterns, and I finally was able to let go after learning from you that, yes, I do have value and worth. I look back and cannot recognize the woman I was not too long ago. And, although I have yet to meet the healthy partner I know I deserve, I am convinced that he is just around the corner... I cannot thank you enough!!!
Colleen (Los Angeles)

I never thought I would get over the pain from being with a narcissist for three years. Today, I can be alone without being lonely. You helped me see there is hope! You made me finally "get" at I no longer have to settle for crumbs and I know I will have a great relationship when the time is right. I am worthy-- THANKS, THANKS, THANKS.
Julie (Philadelphia)



“Because of my sessions with you, I have profound hope! You helped me really understand that my ex's avoidant/narcissistic emotional unavailability was NEVER about who I was but about who he is. And there was never anything wrong with my needs in relationships; they, in fact, do matter. What a difference that made in my healing."
Jan - (New York City)



4-Point Recovery Session Strategy:

I work with clients on the foundation of a powerful 4-POINT RECOVERY Strategy:

1: A concise initial evaluation to understand what is happening.

2: Identifying self-sabotaging behavior and thinking patterns that are keeping you stuck.

3: Clarifying the symptoms and stages of love addiction from attraction and fantasy to denial and obsession.

4: A Carefully Developed Comprehensive Action-Oriented Recovery Strategy- not limited to transforming hurtful relational patterns, improving your sense of self-worth and identity, developing strong functional boundaries, and learning healthy relationship skills that bring fulfillment instead of pain.

Along with this, I give you 100% support, and guidance, never with judgment or shaming. I help you break through all the blind spots you cannot see now and provide you with insights and tools that you will not find anywhere else that work!

Register now for a telephone, Zoom, or Skype coaching session- talk with Jim Hall, MS, Love Addiction Expert.




Thank you so much, Jim, for the profound difference you made in my life! I've been to therapy with numerous counselors and relationship coaches before, and no one has ever helped me the way you have! Never did I think it was possible to be where I am today; I am so grateful that I found you!
Jen C.
(New York)



Empower Yourself... Empower Your Life


Get started today- Here is how:

Maybe you need one, two, or three sessions; or you want a short-term plan to get some direction in your recovery; or perhaps you are ready to work my whole recovery coaching program and want weekly, bi-weekly, or twice weekly sessions-- 


It's easy to get started...

Just follow these 4 steps:

1- Start by registering (below) for one or more sessions with our secure payment system (debit/credit cards accepted: VISA, MC, Discover). 

2- After your order, I will email you within 24 hours to confirm, and we'll schedule our first session together.

3- I call you, so you do not have to pay for long-distance calls (US residents only; If you live outside the US, free online Skype or Zoom is the best option for our sessions together).

4- We'll get started, so you will find the answers and solutions you need!

* If affordability is a factor, I will provide you with a recovery plan and referrals to free or less expensive support at the end of our session.


Recovery- NO MATTER WHERE YOU LIVE! Global Reach.   I regularly work with people from all parts of the globe- so when we schedule, I am flexible in all time zones. 



 *Phone: I call you; no long-distance charges if you live in the US
 *Online: Skype or Zoom sessions (audio or video)* option for both the US or if you live outside the US.


BONUS! Get Started Now and Receive a FREE Session! --For new clients only, if you order one or more 45-minute sessions... you will receive a FREE 30 MINUTE SESSION (does not apply to orders of Urgent or 30-minute sessions).


>About Urgent Sessions:

* If you feel like you need urgent advice, support, and guidance given your situation-- You can order an URGENT RECOVERY SESSION to talk to Jim Hall, MS, Love Addiction Specialist within 24-48 hours. I  most cases, I can be available for urgent sessions, but of course, I cannot guarantee it 100%. I  for some reason, I cannot meet with you for the urgent session within 24 to 48 hours, you will not be billed (or- if you choose, you may apply the cost for a scheduled session at the regular rate).

Scroll below to order an Urgent Session today - I will be notified and contact you asap.


 Please Note:

My earliest availability is during or after the week of November 4th (2024). Order your session(s) now to get scheduled.
 * Urgent Sessions are always available *
 Order an Urgent Recovery Session for rapid advice/support/guidance
 (within 24-48 hrs.)  -  See ABOUT Urgent Sessions above



*Once you register for one or more sessions, you will receive a confirmation in your email, I will contact you to schedule our session together within 24-48 hours.










SAVE! (Only $159 per Session)


10 complete sessions


SAVE! (Only $159 per Session)


20 complete sessions


"Jim, I just wanted to drop a note to tell you that although I wasn't able to afford many sessions with you, the short number of sessions I have had with you, has been priceless! You helped me get out of that horrible withdrawal and now I can see the light! I cannot thank you enough for your help, my gratitude is unending. Kim (UK)"

Kim (UK)

"Hi Jim, I wanted to reach out and sincerely thank you for being so important in helping me transform my life. I'm so grateful to have discovered you and your methods. They really work. I draw on what I learned from our coaching sessions together more than you would believe. You left me with countless strategies, lessons, and skills that have become so vital for me. I don't even want to consider where I would be right now had I not found you to help me overcome my love addiction. It (you) truly changed my life. I'm so proud to be one of your success stories. With all the gratitude in the world, thank you! "

Michael K. (Ohio)

"Hello Jim, Before finding you on the internet, I’ve worked with therapists, life coaches, and helping professionals with various attempts to stop my love addiction, yet I must tell you, Jim, that the caring, encouraging, and non-judgmental help you gave me has been, ‘bar none’, the most powerful, effective, helpful, actually superb! I could not feel this good and have so much hope and be where I am today without your help and support and expertise."

Janice (Utah)

"Hi Jim, I just want to send a quick note to you to say that thanks for the conversations we had in 2021! Your help in the short 4 sessions has been precious in my journey of self-healing and empowerment. In 2021, I have made one of the biggest transformations and regained power of self-affirmation. Your knowledge and experiences helped me to find a center in myself, and I was able to see my life and relationship pattern from a different light. The hands-on exercises you shared with me gave many new skills to navigate my emotional and intimate life. I even thought about becoming a love avoidant coach myself for Chinese speaking folks. Thanks for opening new doors and portals for me. I hope you have a wonderful and blessed 2022 and keep on your amazing work! Warmly, Shana"


If you have questions about love addiction recovery coaching services, please contact Jim Hall, MS - Contact


50% Complete

Two Step

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