Love Addiction Support Groups 


Online recovery groups for love addicts



A path to heal your love addiction, improve relationships, and become securely attached.




About Love Addiction Meetings:


In our online groups, you will receive professional guidance and support, gain insights, tips, and tools for recovery and healing, plus connect with others to help you break your love addiction and insecure attachment patterns. 


Groups include discussion and sharing around essential recovery topics such as improving relationships, healing from a breakup or love addiction withdrawal, learning to become securely attached, healthy/secure dating to find the right partner, and more.



Group Coaching led by Jim Hall, MS, Love Addiction Recovery Expert.



Regardless of your current or past relationship experiences, healing and healthy change are possible!



I do this work for a reason.



I've been where you are, understand the pain and frustration you are going through, and have come out on top.



And so can you. (about my story). 



 Online recovery meetings will begin again in the fall of 2024

... DON'T MISS OUT! - Keep Updated!

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One to One Love Addiction Coaching


If you can't wait for groups to start up... Consider Love Addiction and Relationship Coaching -Work with me on an individual basis. 

* from anywhere you live (phone/online) *


The Love Addiction Coach - Can Help You

-- Learn more Recovery Coaching




Your input is valuable. What you need is essential.

Please take 30 sec. to answer this question: What topic/focus would benefit you the most in a love addiction recovery meeting? (examples - healing from a breakup and love addiction withdrawal, no contact, boundary work, improving self-esteem/self-love, understanding love avoidance, dating effectively to finding the right partner, etc.)

Email me your thoughts to [email protected] 

I want to help you - I appreciate it immensely - 
Thank You,

Jim Hall, MS, Love Addiction Specialist




You may be interested in: 

My books and workbooks on love addiction and recovery 

My articles on love addicts, avoidants, healing, and much more!


Individual Love Addiction Help Online